Caroline Bonne Muller

Caroline Bonne Muller is a Dutch artist living in Switzerland. She has an intrepid background; she was born in France, bred in the Netherlands, and has previously lived in both Spain and Malaysia.
Caroline has been fascinated by children’s books ever since she was a child herself. On the birth of her own family, she couldn't stop buying beautifully illustrated picture books. This planted the seed of wishing to illustrate her own books. Her dream became reality when Quarto published her first picture book in 2020 (Portrait of an artist – Claude Monet).
Prior to becoming a professional illustrator, Caroline Bonne Muller studied Fashion Design in Amsterdam. She worked as a fashion designer for 14 years. Caroline is also highly proficient when it comes to working her illustrations into design repeats and surface pattern.
Caroline lives with her husband, three kids and four stray cats from Malaysia - Caroline is highly passionate about cat rescue. She lives over-looking a lake by the Swiss mountains near Lucerne.
Clients include Nosy Crow, Quarto, Clavis Publishing, Dolores Kohl Foundation, Olympia Le Tan, Museums & Galleries, Buffalo Games, Piecely Puzzles, and Eeboo Puzzles.
Q & A
Do you have a favourite process?
“Yes, I start doing research. I create an A4 page full of tiny images important for my piece. After sketches, I will redraw my final sketch and paint over it with acrylics, ink, coloured pencils, and crayons.”
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
“Make art that you love.”