
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

Jehane's 12 Days of Christmas

1 2 D A Y S 🎄

It’s that time of year again! The “JEHANE’s Twelve Days of Christmas” challenge is coming soon. Are you as excited as I am?! This gorgeous illustration is by artist Lee Foster-Wilson ~ animated with sparkles here at the Jehane Ltd HQ.

How it works:
Click here to sign up to receive this year’s prompts. You’ll have two weeks extra to prepare. Find and follow the other artists who are joining in with #jehanestwelvedays

JEHANE’s Twelve Days of Christmas challenge will run from 1st - 24th December. Follow each prompt and share a piece of art every other day. Use your imagination to interpret the prompts however you like.

Receive the full list of Christmas prompts to your in-box on Tuesday 15th November and start preparing your posts early! ⁣ Sign up here.

✨ This year twelve of my fellow Jehane Ltd artists are co-hosting and joining in. Follow us and see everyone’s work for inspiration along the way. Use #jehanestwelvedays and share the host list for extra love!

We encourage you to join in the fun! Create new work for your portfolio and have fun interacting with new artists at the same time! Tag me on Instagram @jehane_ltd when the time comes for extra encouragement.

P.S. Don’t miss out. Sign up to receive the early-bird prompts on 15/11/22. Sign up here. It’s a great opportunity to have fun and get your work seen 🎶

Rob Sollom