
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

Jehane's Twelve Days of Christmas

It’s going to be F-U-N

Artwork by Lee Foster-Wilson. Animated by Rob Sollom.

Join in this December and create holiday artwork for my creative challenge Jehane's Twelve Days of Christmas. Join in with as many or as few prompts as you can - it’s a fun challenge and an opportunity to explore new themes. Create work for your portfolio AND have fun connecting with your fellow artists (and me) at the same time. 

My Twelve Days of Christmas will be running from 1st December until 24th December. Featuring twelve of my favourite themes for the Holiday season. My own artists will also be working on these Christmas prompts!cRunning from 1st December until 24th December: 

1st - 2nd: City Twinkles

3rd - 4th: The Green Forest

5th - 6th: London in the Snow

7th-8th: A Surprise Gift

9th-10th: Christmas Spangles ***

11th-12th: A Bundle of Toys

13th-14th: A Christmas Flower

15th-16th: Shining Star

17th-18th: Cosy by the Fire

19th-20th: Dasher & Dancer 

21st-22nd: Christmas Cocktails

23rd-24th: The Night Before Christmas

🎄 Share your work on Instagram with the hashtag #jehanestwelvedays

🌟 Tag me @jehane_ltd

This challenge is created in the spirit of working with you. To encourage your personal exploration and creativity. I am excited to see how you will approach this challenge in your own way.

My Twelve Days of Christmas will be running from 1st December until 24th December. Featuring twelve classic and highly popular themes for the Holiday season.

I can't wait to see what you will create!

Jehane x 

P.S. What are Christmas Spangles I hear you ask?! Spangles are teeny-tiny decorations like sequins, stars, or jewels. Christmas spangles could feature anything glittery, an object covered in stars (the American flag has a star-spangled banner), a festive crown covered in jewels, a tree covered in sparkling decorations. A spangly Christmas jumper has been spritzed and spruced up!

P.P.S. I’ll be giving feedback on a selection of your twelve days prompts in my newsletter between now and Christmas - just sign up here for some extra festive fun! 


Jehane Boden Spiers