
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

What's your philosophy?

Q & A - This week I asked my artists about the philosophy of doing their work day-to-day during this worldwide pandemic. We are all approaching these unprecedented times in our own way and that’s OK. I hope you will find these useful for your own working practise. Stay well, stay safe, and let’s stay connected. Just drop me a line - Jehane x



“This question is what I've been saying to myself every day since the world turned upside down. Show up and stay curious...doing something, however small, is better than doing nothing”

Ali Brookes


”I’m trying to stay calm and positive at all times, any negative thoughts I push to one side. I make sure I escape to my tiny studio each day for some creativity even if it’s for only an hour or so. I’m working on new ideas for the future and also images in response to what is going on at the moment. I’m always happiest when lost in a world of colour and paper snips”.

Tracey English


“It’s incredibly hard to be productive in such troubling times and we all know you can’t force yourself into being creative. The less pressure I put on myself, the easier I find it so my philosophy is to simply do a little more today than you did yesterday. Already I’m finding I’m picking up my sketchbook more which is snowballing into new ideas”.

Bex Parkin

”My day-to-day philosophy is to be active and learn new things. I am using this time to broaden and enhance my thinking. We are in a situation which is challenging our very life source. I want to lean in, keep learning, and bring value to my community in new ways”.



“I am working very organically during this time. With both children at home I am having to be even more flexible than usual, dipping in and out of my studio if and when I can. I have been setting myself small realistic targets so that I feel some sense of achievement at the end of each day. This really helps my state of mind. 

I am loving being so in tune with nature and hearing the birds singing. I am choosing to watch the wildlife rather than the news. It is so important to see the beauty where you can”.

Kate Heiss 

“I have found it almost impossible to be productive or creative in terms of my work lately.  So I have taken the pressure off myself and have put my energies into volunteering for the local Mutual Aid group helping people in difficulties.  I’m grateful for the online orders I receive & if from London I cycle deliver them. I bake and garden and occasionally do little paintings, stay off news and social media too. I know that focus will return and try to treat myself as I would a friend in the same position, i.e. without judgment or blame”.

Snowden Flood  


”My day-to-day philosophy at the moment is to be kind & patient to others as well as myself, and it’s okay just to sit and feel overwhelmed sometimes”.

Helen Ahpornsiri

“Keep putting one foot in front of the other, make small but achievable goals so that you stand a chance of feeling you have achieved something every day. Make time to exercise - that will help keep you positive, and allow yourself a treat every day whatever you have or have not achieved with work. Whatever happens remember that tomorrow is another day and it’s a day closer to freedom. I am on the cusp of finishing a new collagraph plate by following this philosophy. I cannot tell you how excited and amazed I feel about this. Whatever it is, it CAN be done!”

Amelia Bowman


“With two small kids at home, and less time to work, my philosophy is to just go easy on myself. I find it helpful to have a space set up with supplies and a project ready-to-go for those days when I only have a few minutes here and there. This way I can just dive right into creating without spending precious time on set up and planning”.

Meghann Rader

How are you approaching it - what is your day-to-day philosophy during these times? Just drop me a line - Stay safe, stay well, and let’s stay connected. Jehane x

We make art work for you.

Jehane Boden Spiers