
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

A trio of Trade Fairs in Spring 2020

A TRIO OF TRADE FAIRS - Jehane will be at three international trade fairs in Spring 2020. If you are an art director heading to London, Bologna, or Blueprint, we'd love to meet you in person. We are currently taking appointments, so don't hesitate to get in touch. Jehane will be able to meet you on your stand at London and Bologna. We will have a stand at Blueprint in May (NYC).

We can’t wait to show our newly updated portfolios and exciting new concepts. Including book covers, graphic novels, and new stories.

First up is London Book Fair on Tuesday 10th March - email Jehane to book a meeting

London Book Fair 2020.png

Secondly, we will be at Bologna Children’s Book Fair, from 31st March - 1st April 2020. Email Jehane to book

Bologna 2020.png

Thirdly, see us at BluePrint New York from 18th - 21st May 2020. Email Jehane to book your appointment

Blueprint 2020.png
Jehane Boden Spiers