
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

The Design Trust Business Club

THE DESIGN TRUST - Jehane is invited to lead this month’s session for their Business Club members. With a focus on art licensing and how to benefit from the success of your designs. Wednesday 13th November at 1pm.

“We're into a new month in The Business Cub ( , and that means a new topic to delve into. In November we're looking at LICENSING.

We are surrounded by design licensing; from mugs to tea towels, scarves to greeting cards, the trend for illustrated and personalised products is growing and it can be a brilliant (and very profitable!) income stream for creatives and freelancers.

On Wednesday 13th November at 1pm (UK time), we're thrilled to be joined by creative partner / artist agent Jehane Boden Spiers who will shed light on this important area. In this session, we’ll be looking at the practical aspects of licensing from finding the right partners to the legalities to make sure you are protected.

With beautiful and clear visuals, Jehane will be speaking to us about her role as an artists’ agent and about how licensing works; with step by step guidelines as to best practice, real life examples, the legalities, what to look out for and what to avoid!

The Business Club is our curated library of business learning led by experts in their field. We challenge new topics every month. All sessions are recorded and placed in the Club for members to revisit and to enable learning at their own pace” THE DESIGN TRUST

Jehane Boden Spiers