
JEHANE Ltd - Creative Journal and Blog

How to Stand out from the Crowd

THE DESIGN TRUST; Our very own Jehane Boden Spiers is one of 6 industry experts to share their tips on The Design Trust’s latest blog post alongside Ruth Wasserman ( and Genevieve Sioka (The National Trust).

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Jehane, What’s your advice for creatives to stand out in a very competitive market?

Be guided by your personal intent. Take time to get to know yourself. It’s not about your strengths and weaknesses. It’s about identifying the aspects of the world which you respond to. What would you feel lost without? What makes you tick and feel inspired? Be specific. Understand this and you will have an effective decision-making tool in both your visual expression and the direction of your business. I am inspired by colour and conversations.

Apply and refer to your personal intent consistently in everything that you do. The artwork you create. The visuals you use in your marketing. The content that you write. It will give your work depth. It will have personality. It will make you stand out from the crowd.

Be consistent and aim for the highest quality in everything you do. People will notice.

Be active on all social media channels. It’s highly effective and free.”

How do you select the people you work with? 

“I look for artwork with a defined personality. I respond to artists who have a strong sense of their personal intent and are comfortable expressing it. I enjoy working with people who are highly committed, stimulating, and communicate positively. I have to love an artist’s work personally. It’s as much about my eye as the work of the artists whose work I represent.

Every year I run the “Anna-Maria Desogus Memorial Award” at Brighton University 3D Design & Craft (for a 2nd year and a graduating student). The only student to have won two years in a row is student Luke Fuller who recently graduated. His project “Unearthing Port Talbot” blew me away. In so many ways; effort, execution, and personal intent.

Inspired by a long line of his relatives who worked as miners, his work reflects both his local & personal history as well as our industrial heritage and the close relationship of man and environment. Luke also won two other University awards, a bursary to the RCA and was awarded the “New Designer of the Year 2018” prize at New Designers. It’s remarkable to see Luke standing-out from the crowd in a whole range of different environments. It’s meaningful and powerful stuff!” Jehane Boden Spiers

 Read more on The Design Trust Blog

Jehane Boden Spiers